Fire-fighting, medical and safety instructions

A manual is a set of regulations and rules that apply to behavior in specific places. It can also refer to the operation of the device and how to perform certain activities. Some instructions are determined by law, so they necessarily have to be in a particular facility or workplace. Fire safety, health and safety instructions and medical instructions appear in public buildings. What they concern and whether they are regulated?
Types of instructions in workplaces and public places
Each manual should contain detailed, easy-to-understand instructions, recommendations and rules. It is not uncommon for the text to be supplemented by graphics, allowing faster assimilation of information, which is important, for example, in the case of an emergency or to help an injured person. In public places as well as workplaces, the following instructions apply:
- Instructions for fire protection - this is a set of fire protection rules that apply to the behavior of people in the building during the fire danger and already after the outbreak of fire
- Health and safety instructions - are, in turn, the rules, course of action and conduct for all those places where there is a risk of danger to human health or life
- Medical instructions - are a type of health and safety instructions that tell you how to act in order to avoid loss of health, or in a situation where another person is injured, loses consciousness or has a cardiac arrest
Fire Safety Instructions
A fire-fighting instruction must be included in every building of public use, which follows from the Regulation of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration of June 7, 2010. on fire protection of buildings, other structures and grounds (Dz. U. No. 109, pos. 719). This is verified during the acceptance of the building by the State Fire Service. Its content depends on the type and purpose of the object. It contains fire protection conditions, such as. General fire safety instructions, how to deal with a fire outbreak, such as. Instruction on how to proceed in the event of a fire, the organization of evacuation, the use of fire-fighting equipment, such as. Instructions for extinguishing fires with hand-held firefighting equipment or guidance on how to deal with specific facilities, such as office space or liquid fuel stations.
Health, safety and medical instructions
These are instructions that deal with the operation of specific machinery and equipment at workplaces, the handling of hazardous materials and the work performed involving risks to the health and life of workers. We can divide them as follows:
- General health and safety instructions, such as. General health and safety instructions applicable to all employees, Safety instructions for laundries and dye houses and General instructions for health and safety in workshops
- Instructions for a specific workstation, such as. Occupational health and safety instruction for cleaners and cleaning staff
- Equipment manuals, e.g. Occupational health and safety instructions for operating a photocopier
- Instructions when working with hazardous substances, such as. Health and safety regulations when working with acids
In addition, health and safety instructions include medical instructions that specifically refer to saving human health and life, as well as activities that can prevent their loss. These are First aid instructions, Hand washing and disinfection technique manual whether Instructions for dealing with acid or lye burns.
Thus, the type and content of the instructions depend on the nature of the work, the type of plant, as well as the risk of danger to human health and life. The necessity of its application in the building is conditioned by Labor Code Art. 237, as well as the MPiPS of September 26, 1997. on general regulations of occupational safety and health.
Instructions of all kinds are primarily intended to ensure the safety of employees and building occupants. Their presence in the facility is the responsibility of its owner, manager and employer.